
How to Measure Business Heights?

Business Heights

Height means measurement of something from base to top. It also means extreme or ultimate of something. For example, the height of heights is Hillary on Tenzing and Tenzing on Mount Everest. Corporations are scaling new business heights with each passing day. The point is not how do they climb and reach those dizzying heights, but rather how can we reliably measure it. That’s a silly question. Isn’t it? No, it’s not.

Will God Save Us From Coronavirus?


Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) war, I have been continuously mulling over this topic. In fact, like others, I have also started doubting God’s existence? If he (or She) really exists, why is he not helping us in our fight against this invisible enemy lurking in every nook and corner? Here’s a list of 10 plausible explanations why God won’t save us from the Coronavirus.